The file having the '.bak' extension is the backup copy of the original nds file. It's one of game to be patched by Universal Child's Play Patch. Note: This path is not only for 'One Piece: Gigant Battle! For R4 User: Use YSMENU with the same manner of the above instruction as like DSTT. Note: You must use for implemeting the latest infolib.dat and extinfo.bat files. For DSTT User: Get two files, infolib.dat and extinfo.dat, from the file below and copy them to the TTMENU folder of your DSTT. So I try to explain better, thanks to my friend, I managed to change the font with the JAP OPGB2 EUR OPGB1, that is very very obvious I got the font in this European path ( data fonts opjefont.aft) and I changed the name as the Japanese ( data fonts opjkfont. Either way I would like to know what file you edited that caused this. Drag your ROM and drop it onto the Patch.exe. (for ease in finding it in case I look later). The game was announced in Shonen Jump magazine as a sequel to One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2, with Namco Bandai and Tecmo Koei teaming up.Ĭode 5197 - One Piece: Gigant Battle! /// THE UNIVERSAL CHILD'S PLAY PATCH WAS UPDATED!! /// How to play 'One Piece: Gigant Battle! ' on your DSTT and R4 For General User: 1.ĭownload and get a Patch.exe file from the RAR archive. One Piece Gigant Battle English Patch Average ratng: 4,7/5 8092votes