Vibe Sound Usb Turntable shareware, freeware, demos: TSplus 2011 by Terminal Service Plus, Sound Vibe by Linas Naginionis, Network USB Data Theft Protection Tool by Data recovery software etc. Vibe Sound Usb Turntable software, free downloads. Vibe Sound VS-2002-SPK USB Turntable/Vinyl Archiver Record Player w/Speakers.

Make Offer - NEW! VIBE Sound USB Turntable to Convert Records LPs to Digital MP3 VS-2001-USBT. VIBE Sound USB Turntable to Convert Records LPs to Digital MP3 VS-2001-USBT. You can also include the turntable as part of your stereo system. The Vibe VS-2006-MTS-BLK USB Mini Portable Turntable lets you update the format of your music and enhance the audio quality using an included editing software. Convert your vinyl music to the modern MP3 digital audio.

If you don't have much money, I suggest picking this up. Also, since it's USB and can connect to both pc/mac, I can play through my macbook's speakers which sounds great or even better, my headphones. Go buy some okay speakers and you'll be fine. VIBE SOUND VS-2002-SPK USB Turntable with Built-in Speakers 3.8 out of 5 stars 347.

The software is available for Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux, and other. Audacity is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds. This guide will walk through the basic steps to acheive this using a ION Audio Turntable or Cassette player, and Audacity. There are many great programs available today that will allow you to convert your vinyl and tape collection to mp3.