In order to let us complete it faster, and doing so to help all the users of these programs, we started a beta-test session a while ago. We are currently developping the next versions of Harmony Assistant (9.6.2) and Melody Assistant (7.6.2). Topic: Harmony Assistant 9.6.2 RC4 / Melody Assistant 7.6.2 RC4 (Windows/MacOS/Linux) (Read 30042 times) Harmony Assistant 9.6.2 RC4 / Melody Assistant 7.6.2 RC4 (Windows/MacOS/Linux) Melody Assistant / Harmony Assistant (Moderator: Forum Administrator) You can read all messages, but to be able to post,īoard Home | Help | Search | Polls | Members | Login | Register Myriad Forum « Harmony Assistant 9.6.2 RC4 / Melody Assistant 7.6.2 RC4 (Windows/MacOS/Linux) » Myriad Forum - Harmony Assistant 9.6.2 RC4 / Melody Assistant 7.6.2 RC4 (Windows/MacOS/Linux)